Sunday, September 18, 2022

RV Computer Science, Robotics, & ELD Week 9/19 - 23/22

Welcome Folks,

As a school, we will be celebrating Internation Day of Peace on Wednesday.  There will be many activities.  But what is peace and what does it look like?


View the video on your own.  As a class, watch the video again & discuss the questions below.

Internation Day of Peace Sept 21, 2022 

What can we do to make peace?  Watch this video.

What do people in this video do to make peace & show kindness to each other?

Is it difficult to show kindness to others?

What can you do to show kindness & peace?

It all starts with our breathing!  Do the following activity as a whole class.


How did the International Day of Peace begin?

Do you think peace is possible? the world? our country? our city? our school? our homes?

Period 2 & 3

Do the Peace Day activities first, then start on your project below.

Laptop Project - It's time to put it all back together and make it work. 

Goals for this week:

  1. Reassemble your laptop computer and check to see if it works
  2. Build your Laptop Project Slideshow including notes, images, and descriptions of how you did this & what you learned.

Do the following daily

  1. Review your jobs with your team, change them as needed
  2. The Recorder should remind the group using their notes as to where they left off last week.  Use your notes to go backward for the reassembly.  
  3. Take an inventory of your tools before and after you use them.
With your group:
  1. Start reassembling your device - Watch this for a 30 seconds - when tightening screws on any part that has more than one screw - tighten in a star pattern not one side at once!
  2. Keep detailed notes and images
  3. Use tape & a sealed container to keep track of your parts and where they go.
  4. Take pictures of the reassembly process.
  5. Here is a link to the image below so you can name the parts

Other Resources
These resources are great to watch but will take extra time.  You can watch these at home if you are interested.

Slideshow Master Copy - click on "Make a Copy"  You will only need one presentation per group.  You need to share it so you can all work from the same copy


Periods 5

1. Watch 2 of the following videos
2. Answer the questions on the answer page about the video.  Answer a page for each video.
3. On the back, draw what you are thinking about.

1. Mira 2 de los videos abajo.
2. Contesta las preguntas sobre el video en la pagina. Llena un pagina para cada video.
3. Atras de la pagina, dibuja sobre los que piensas del la informacion del video

Videos in English

Mexican-born engineer pushing for more diversity in space

How an immigrant farmworker beat the odds to become a NASA astronaut

Videos en Espanol

Katya Echazarreta, la primera mexicana en viajar al espacio

De los campos a la NASA, la historia del astronauta mexicano José Hernández

Extra - Just for Fun

How does the International Space Station work?


Periods 6 & 7
Do the Peace Day activities first, then start on your project below.

You will be starting your new 3D Design project, Project Identification, today

Key Vocabulary:

Design 3 different ideas that you can put on your backpack or keychain that will show that it belongs to you.  Follow the guide below.

Space Out Friday

Who works for NASA?

Project Artemis - What is it?

Why Are We Going To The Moon? Click on the image

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