Tuesday, March 20, 2018

CS Lesson Plans for 3/21 - 23/18

Hi all,

Here are your plans for Wednesday through Friday.  Your guest teacher will be Mrs. Moen. Please show respect to your teacher and each other today.  Use your time wisely. Make sure your blog reflects all the work you have done so far.

Basic Plan all Periods
  1. 10 min - Daily Touch typing on Typing Agent (10 min) - TA or NitroType Games on Fri.
  2. 4 min - Check email OR CHECK THE LESSON PLANS on Class Blog(SAME). Students now have Personal Time in which they can check grades & other.
  3. 4 min - Preview the day’s activities with class - Most students are working on Blogger & Tinkercad\
  4. Friday - What’s Up Post - What’s Happening for Spring Break - Create a post on what you think you will be doing for spring break or another topic.  How the week has gone, your weekend, movies, music, whatever you want that is appropriate for your blog.
  5. Period 2, 5, & 6 - Tinkercad
    1. Continue working on the LEARN tutorials in Tinkercad if you have not finished them.
    2. Once complete with tutorials, go to the Tinkercad box to get to your project desktop and CREATE PROJECT.
    3. Remember that you are creating an Identification Tag that is UNIQUE to YOU!  No boxes!!!!
    4. Watch the videos on the syllabus if you need some ideas.  
    5. Stay in your seats unless you can help someone who needs help.  Be thoughtful of others who are working. Keep your voices at a level 2.
    1. Everyone has something to do.  I expect you to do as much as you can.  The following is what I am hoping to see when we meet on Monday.  You also have your own ideas. Just have some kind of evidence that you are moving towards your goals.  What do you want to call your team?
      1. Road Rally -
        1. Advertisement - check out what we have already created.  I sent a link to my folder. Update or make new, cooler ads, design trophies to be 3D printed -
      2. Dub Presentations & How To Videos - How to videos & more - What topics? Start recording using either a camera or screencast app like Loom (in Google Play).  Commercial to advertise your service. You know where cameras are at. Be appropriate please:) - Topic list to start with - How to create a signature on email, How to share a google doc with a group, how to clear your email, how to use Tynkercad (basics - group, cut, use ruler, share a file, name a file, write text, cut shape, align), how to make a 3d race car, - Use a screencast app like Loom or screencastify.  You will need to learn to use it.
      3. Skoolcade - Keychain in Tynkercad, rover mission practice - You have my permission to use the store room but no one else can be there observing.  Only Rafael and Christopher. - Guest teacher may remove privilige.  Please make sure cart is organized and ipads are on charge.
      4. Door Stop - advertise, finalize some designs, survey for 8th grade teachers (send to me before sending out to teachers), record a commercial.  Get some prints ready.
      5. OGers  - get some images of examples that would work for our room where we need table to build or meet, storage in variety of sizes, basic & power tools from Home Depot, estimation of price.  I started this slide show that you can add too.
        1. https://makezine.com/2016/09/23/6-tips-makerspace-layout-design/
      6. SALT - FX - What do you needs, what can you do?  Do not solder till we get back. You can get a piece of cardboard and start putting the red LED lights in place by making a small hole for the LED to fit tightly.
        1. LED signs - Instructables - good resource to look up other things we need to make like smoke or torch
      7. Library Tech Connect - Document what you are doing and names of people helping you so you can give credit in the movies
        1. You need to start getting some content linked to you qr codes.  Look here for links to books that you know we have in the library and start linking to a qr code.
        2. Make and appointment with video group to start recording yourselves on books you have read.  START!
      8. Tech Support - No one joined this group but there is plenty of work if you are interested.
You can also work on your video game or 3D race car.  Well start printing after spring break.
Please respect those that need to finish their work and stay quiet and in your seat unless necessary.  
    1. 35 min - Work on projects - detailed above
    2. Guest teacher - Students may be collaborating which is encouraged.  Or, they may be just visiting so you will need to move around the classroom and listen into conversations.  THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR GOOD CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT!!!!!
  1. Done with Project - Students can do these activities when complete with project and posting on their blog
Modify your blogs themes, colors, and layout
Create a new project or work on an old one
Finish Preparing 3D printed ID
Use tools carefully and clean up work table
Scavenger Hunt
Keep working on the Scavenger Hunt.  Link is in the class blog
Read & AR Test
You can read and test in AR
Work on another new task or finish one from last year
Go play some games on Scratch!  When you find a game you like, look at the code used to create it

  1. 1 min - Shutting down & logging out - I make all student wait at stations till all headphones, tables, and chairs are neatly arranged.  I excuse one row at a time. Do not excuse students until workspaces are clean.
    1. P6 needs to put chairs up on FRIDAY!
  • Write good, detailed, and readable reflections.  
  • Email me if you have any question.
  • Collaboration is helpful, socializing is distracting - Know why you are out of your seat and it cannot be to socialize.

I wish you all a good day.  See you on Monday!

Mr. Garcia