Friday, April 5, 2024

RV Computer Science, Robotics, & ELD Week 4/8 - 12/2024

Happy April 8, Solar Eclipse Day!

Welcome back, everyone:)  I will see you on Thursday.

I hope you had a wonderful break and are ready for the last 9 weeks of this school year. 

On Monday, you will get a chance to observe planetary movement by seeing the moon move between the sun and the Earth.  The Moon will eclipse the Sun. 

Your guest teacher will have the observation form you will need to make your observations.  Remember, as Citizen Scientists, focus quietly on what you see, hear, and feel.  Write down your observations and I will input them.  Your data will help scientists predict what happens during eclipses.

From Oxnard, you will see a 46% partial solar eclipse.  Enjoy & use your glasses to look at the sun.

The partial eclipse will start at 10 am, peak at 11:08 am, and finish at 12:20 pm.  

You can view the total eclipse on any of these sites.  Click on the image.


Work Due Trimester 3 will now be listed at the end of this post after the Space Out Friday section.


Period 3 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Today, you will be Citizen Scientists!

Just like we practiced, you will be going out to our designated area in the far corner of the baseball field to observe the eclipse.  

When your guest teacher is ready, you will all head out together quietly.  Please remember your positive behavior is important.  

Please remember to be respectful to the guest teacher.  If you are not, the teacher will make a note including your name & your behavior.  You will be spending some time in detention or worse when I return.  

  1. Take all your belongings with you.
  2. HAND OUT the solar glasses
  3. What you will need: a pencil/pen, an observation form, the latitude and longitude of the area you will be at, and something to write on.
  4. With your guest teacher, go out to our observation spot by the gym baseball field.
  5. Find a quiet spot to make your observations
  6. Options that can be taken away - You may be with a friend, you may sit away from the group, but close to the group.
  7. Observe but be safe, only look at the sun with your classes on.
  8. Hand in your observation form with your name on it
  9. You may leave to go to your class/nutrition
Thanks for helping collect important data!

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - Did you have an enjoyable break?  Write at least 3 reasons why or why not to support your answer.

No Red Ink Writing Assignment - Soundtrack of My Life
If you could create a soundtrack(playlist) for your life, what songs would you include and why? Discuss at least two songs and explain why you picked them.

You will have the entire period to finish this assignment. You will ONLY have this period to finish the assignment. Submit your work at the end of class.

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

No Red Ink Writing Assignment - Bad Idea
Write a short story that starts with this line: “I should have known it was a bad idea, but that didn’t stop me.”

You will have the entire period to finish this assignment. You will ONLY have this period to finish the assignment. Submit your work at the end of class.

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 

Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)


Period 4 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Today, you will be Citizen Scientists!

Just like we practiced, you will be going out to our designated area in the far corner of the baseball field to observe the eclipse.  

When your guest teacher is ready, you will all head out together quietly.  Please remember your positive behavior is important.  

Please remember to be respectful to the guest teacher.  If you are not, the teacher will make a note including your name & your behavior.  You will be spending some time in detention or worse when I return.  

  1. Take all your belongings with you.
  2. HAND OUT the solar glasses
  3. You will need: a pencil/pen, an observation form, the latitude and longitude of the area you will be at, and something to write on.
  4. With your guest teacher, go out to our observation spot by the gym baseball field.
  5. Find a quiet spot to make your observations
  6. Options that can be taken away - You may be with a friend, you may sit away from the group, but close to the group.
  7. Observe but be safe, only look at the sun with your classes on.
  8. Hand in your observation form with your name on it
  9. You may leave to go to your class/nutrition
Thanks for helping collect important data!

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - Did you have an enjoyable break?  Write at least 3 reasons why or why not to support your answer.

No Red Ink Writing Assignment - Soundtrack of My Life
If you could create a soundtrack(playlist) for your life, what songs would you include and why? Discuss at least two songs and explain why you picked them.

You will have the entire period to finish this assignment. You will ONLY have this period to finish the assignment. Submit your work at the end of class.

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

No Red Ink Writing Assignment - Bad Idea
Write a short story that starts with this line: “I should have known it was a bad idea, but that didn’t stop me.”

You will have the entire period to finish this assignment. You will ONLY have this period to finish the assignment. Submit your work at the end of class.

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 

Friday  Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)


Period 5 - Computer Science

For the next couple of days, 

  • Catch up to where you left off on your game.  Check your notes in your journal.
  • All group members should focus in on what you need to do now & finish the second level
  • Build your art & music that will make your game pop.
  • Think about what an external controller would look like for your game.  You can create a drawing as a starting point.
  • I'll be looking at your games.  Here is the rubric we'll be using to score your game for meeting the criteria:

Tuesday Morning Routine

Get that level 2 working
Add your art & Music

Wednesday Morning Routine

Get that level 2 working
Add your art & Music

Thursday Morning Routine

Milestone check - looking for a complete 1-level game and 2nd-level working or almost done

Peer survey - The big question I'll be asking about your teammates is whether or not they helped the group complete the project.

Friday Morning Routine


Period 6 Computer Science on the Wheel

Monday Morning Routine

You will be working in Tinkercad today

I'm including a video that you need to watch before getting to work.  

There is a lot of information on this video so take your time.

Start with logging intoTinkercad using your Rio Google email and password.

You will have today and tomorrow to start "playing" in Tinkercad.  By playing, I mean to try to make something using different tools that you saw in the video.  You can see the video over if needed.

Have fun, no stress.  We'll start working on a project when I get back on Thursday.

Tuesday Morning Routine

Continue working in Tinkercad

Wednesday Morning Routine

One more day on your own in Tinkercad.  You will need to show me what you created tomorrow when I return.

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Periods 7 - Robotics

Monday Morning Routine

1st Year Group - Kick Start Your Business Projects 4 - 6.   Your future obstacle course project will depend on you knowing how to code your machine through a variety of obstacles.  These lessons will help you build your coding skills.  The obstacle course project will start in late April.

Advanced Group - Continue with the Competition Ready Projects 1 - 7.   We are gearing up to have our first Sumo Bot competition in late April.

All Groups Volunteer Opportunity

I have an opportunity for a few students to volunteer to show off their robotics builds at Skoolcade on April 27.  Let me know if you want more information.

Tuesday Morning Routine

Work on your group projects.

Don't forget to post your finished project in your portfolio.  Include a video of your working project and photos of your code.

Wednesday Morning Routine

Work on your group projects.

Don't forget to post your finished project in your portfolio.  Include a video of your working project and photos of your code.

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Space Out Friday


Work Due Trimester 3
  • All Periods
    • Due 3/8 - Weekly Keyboarding (except P6)
    • Due 3/15 - Weekly Keyboarding (except P5)
    • Due 3/21 - March Keyboarding test posted in portfolio with a reflection
    • Due 3/21 - Brush Ninja GIF in your portfolio (Other Things page) with a reflection

    P3 & P4
    • Due 3/12 - Meme - Post in your portfolio on the "Other Things" page & on the P_ Homework padlet
    • Due 3/21 - Brush Ninja GIF in your portfolio (Other Things page) with a reflection
    • Due 4/8 - Solar Eclipse Observation Form
    • Due 4/9 - Soundtrack For Your Life - NRI writing assingment
    • Due 4/10 - Bad Idea - NRI writing assingment

    • Due 3/8 - Game Development Journal - Basic game plan for your game
    • Due 3/15 - Minimum Viable Product Level 1 - Game due - your basic working game is due
    • Due 3/21 - MVP Level 2 - switch from level 1 to level 2 - basic gameplay on level 2

    •  Due 3/12 - Email Signature.  Email to complete the assignment.  Title the email "Email Signature"
    • Due 3/15 - Post your portfolio on this padlet, P6 Tri 3 Padlet
    • Due 3/21 - 1st & March Keyboarding test posted in the portfolio with a reflection
    • Due 3/21 - Brush Ninja GIF in your portfolio (Other Things page) with a reflection

    • Due 3/15 - Competition Journal 
    • Due 3/14  - (1st Year) Place Your Order posted in the portfolio with video, images of code, & reflection
    • Due 3/21  - (1st Year) Out of Order posted in the portfolio with video, images of code, & reflection
    • Due 3/15  - (Advanced) Training Camp 1 posted in the portfolio with video, images of code, & reflection
    • Due 3/21  - (Advanced) Training Camp 2 posted in the portfolio with video, images of code, & reflection
    • Due 4/12  - (Advanced) Training Camp 3 posted in the portfolio with video, images of code, & reflection