Sunday, October 22, 2023

RV Computer Science, Robotics, & ELD Week 10/23 - 27/2023

  Hello Everyone!

Happy Spirit Week!  Have fun and make sure to catch up on all your work.  The end of the trimester is November 9, 2023


Period 3 - ELD

Theme for the Week - How Do You Prepare for an Earthquake?

Form - Classification & Categorization

Functions -  Using a graphic organizer, 

Driving Question - What do we need in an emergency kit to survive for up to 2 weeks?  

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

  • We'll be looking at the topic and all the details that we will be using this week.  

  • On your own, you will create a graphic organizer to brainstorm what you think should go into a survival kit that you can keep in your home or car.
  • We will watch the video together.  You can modify your ideas on the graphic organizer after the video

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - 

Reading - 

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Exercise - Comparing and Contrasting

  • Conclude video
  • Review and add to your graphic organizer

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 


Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Learning a 3D CAD(computer-assisted drafting) program - Tinkercad
  1. go to site - P3 tinkercad link click here
  2. click on sign up
  3. teacher lesson getting to know tinkercad


Period 4 - ELD

Theme for the Week - How Do You Prepare for an Earthquake?

Form - Classification & Categorization

Functions -  Using a graphic organizer, 

Driving Question - What do we need in an emergency kit to survive for up to 2 weeks?  

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

  • We'll be looking at the topic and all the details that we will be using this week.  

  • On your own, you will create a graphic organizer to brainstorm what you think should go into a survival kit that you can keep in your home or car.
  • We will watch the video together.  You can modify your ideas on the graphic organizer after the video

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - 

Reading - 

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Exercise - Comparing and Contrasting

  • Conclude video
  • Review and add to your graphic organizer

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 


Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Learning a 3D CAD(computer-assisted drafting) program - Tinkercad
  1. go to site - P4 tinkercad link click here
  2. click on sign up
  3. teacher lesson getting to know tinkercad


Period 5 - Computer Science

Monday Morning Routine

Introduction to Manufacturing & 3D Design Using CAD Software

Tuesday Morning Routine

Introduction to 3D Design - An essential part of Lean Manufacturing

Sign in to .  The link is in your class bookmarks.

Wednesday Morning Routine

Designing with tinkercad

Join our class - Click on this link

Thursday Morning Routine

Designing with tinkercad

Friday Morning Routine

Designing with tinkercad


Period 6 Computer Science on the Wheel

Monday Morning Routine

Introduction to Manufacturing & 3D Design Using CAD Software

Tuesday Morning Routine

Introduction to 3D Design - An essential part of Lean Manufacturing

Sign in to .  The link is in your class bookmarks.

Wednesday Morning Routine

Designing with tinkercad

Thursday Morning Routine

Designing with tinkercad

Friday Morning Routine


Periods 7 - Robotics

Monday Morning Routine

Drone Automation Finale -

You will spend the day finalizing your code to run our obstacle course.  Take care to walk the code through before submitting the code for a final grade.

When running the drone, make sure to use a fresh battery and only use it one time.

Tuesday Morning Routine

Autonomous Drones - What's the big deal?

Introduction to Manufacturing & 3D Design Using CAD Software

Wednesday Morning Routine

Introduction to 3D Design - An essential part of Lean Manufacturing

Sign in to .  The link is in your class bookmarks.

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Space Out Friday