Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Friday's Lesson Plans

Hi all,

Here are your plans for Friday.   Please show respect to your teacher, Mrs. Polanco.  Use your time wisely. I’ll see you all next Tuesday.  Make it a great week! 
Special Note
There is no movement in class during ALL Periods.  

If you need to get up, please raise your hand to get approval from Mrs. Polanco.  If you get your name on the teacher notes, you get a lunch detention. If your behavior causes a problem, the consequence will be more severe. Please stay focused on the following assignments.

The assignments below need to be turned in TODAY or you get 1/2 credit.

Basic Plan all Periods
  1. 10 min - Daily Touch typing on (13 min on the clock) -  NitroType or other typing Games on Fri. 
  2. 4 min - Check email and CHECK THE LESSON PLANS on Class Blog.
  3. Tasks are listed below
P2 & 4 - You have 2 blog post to complete today:  
Keyboard test #6 - 75 pts possible
  1. Warm-up using 1-minute practice test or regular lessons
  2. When ready, take a 3 minutes test.  You can redo this one if needed
  3. Post your test results on the class blog
  4. Also, post your words per minute (wpm) graph & the accuracy graph.  That is 3 separate images which should look like this. Click on this image for an example of what you post needs to have to be complete.
  5. Worth 75pts.  Unless you are absent, you will only be able to turn this in on Friday for full credit! Posts after Friday will only get 50% if complete.

CSP Explanation Post - 40 Pts
  1. Post a brief but clear explanation, in paragraph form, of your CSP project.  Please include the following information. Use complete sentences and not a list.  Remember, your audience does not know anything about what you are doing so be clear.
    1. What is your project about?
    2. What community are you affecting?
    3. Who is in your group (no last names to protect the innocent)
    4. You can include any images, drawings, or design if you like
  2. Worth 40 pts.  Unless you are absent, you will only be able to turn this in on Friday for full credit! Posts after Friday will only get 50% if complete.
When you finish both posts, You have some time to work on something you want to do at your station.  You may not get out of your seat, not even to help others.  If you need help, ask those around you or ask the teacher for help.  

P5 & 6 -   You have one post to complete today
Keyboard test #3 - 50 pts possible

  1. Warm-up using 1-minute practice test or regular lessons
  2. When ready, take a 3 minutes test.  You can redo this one if needed
  3. Post your test results on the class blog
  4. Also, post your words per minute (wpm) graph & the accuracy graph.  That is 3 separate images which should look like this. Click on this image for an example of what your post needs to have to be complete.
  5. Worth 50pts.  Unless you are absent, you will only be able to turn this in on Friday for full credit! Posts after Friday will only get 50% if complete.

When you finish your post, You have some time to work on your Scratch Project or your Tynkercad design at your station.  You may not get out of your seat, not even to help others.  If you need help, ask those around you or ask the teacher for help.  

*Noise level is between a 2 & 3 but should NEVER get so loud we disturb other classes
*Walking around is not allowed today.  Stay your seat - ALL STUDENTS
*Consequences for repeated (2) disruptions:
*Students may be moved away from others & continue working if the behavior improves
*Students may be moved to a 6th grade class or to office with a blue behavior referral - *Students will lose promotion points and will not be available to help their teams. 
Stay calm: do your work:) 

  1. 35 min - Work on projects - detailed above
  2. Guest teacher - Students may be collaborating which is encouraged.  Or, they may be just visiting so you will need to move around the classroom and listen to conversations.  THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR GOOD CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT!!!!!
  3. Done with Project - Students can do these activities when complete with the project and posting on their blog.  Early finishers can go on DIY Projects - If you are here, go to Gamestarmechanic.  

Modify your blogs themes, colors, and layout
Great game design website.  Sign in, use the year 2004 for registering, select “Get Started” until you get to the “Quest” and click on that.  
Create a new project or work on an old one
Finish Preparing 3D printed ID
Use tools carefully and clean up work table
Work on another new task or finish one from last year
Go play some games on Scratch!
Students can get some more keyboarding practice.

  1. 1 min - Shutting down & logging out - I make all students wait at stations till all headphones, tables, and chairs are neatly arranged.  I excuse one row at a time.   Do not excuse students until workspaces are clean and there is no trash on tables.
    1. P6 needs to put chairs up and shut down TV on FRIDAY!
  • Write good, detailed, and readable reflections.  
  • Email me if you have any questions.
  • Collaboration is helpful, socializing is distracting - Know why you are out of your seat and it cannot be to socialize.
I wish you all a good day.  See you Monday.
Mr. Garcia

KB Test #6

My test for March showed little improvement but a relatively consistant speed & accuracy.  My fingers feel stiff if I haven't typed for a while.  Plus I'm sleepy.  I would like to see if my scores improved at a different time of day.  Probably not, I just need to practice more if I want to hit my goal of 55 wpm @ 96% accuracy.

My accuracy stayed consistent for the last 3 months.

My speed went down 2 words per minute.   This was definitely caused because I slowed down to be more accurate.  Nonetheless, the score is consistent with the past months.