Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Periods 5 & 6 - Finishing PID Lesson plan for 3/27/19

Hi all,
Today's lesson plan is to watch this screencast and do what it says.  Let's see how well a video can teach you what to do.  The results will be easy to see on your blog.  Good luck!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Community Service Project - CSP Syllabus

Syllabus & More
CSP - The What, Where, When, What, Why?

What:  Basic overview of the project is to: 1. find a need or problem in our community (empathize), 2. research the problem (define), 3. design a fix to the problem (ideate), 4. create the fix (prototype), 5. test the fix (test), 6. distribute the fix, 7. present it to your class, and celebrate that you helped!  
Where: communities include your home, neighborhood, school, city, state, country, world
When:  Start now - due date is June 3, 2019
What:  Solve any problem that affects a group of people (community)
Why:  Because we are in a position to help, so let’s help!
In short - find a problem, design a fix, test it, share it, present it to the class

Good luck and have fun!