Stratolaunch, which is designed to release rockets that will carry satellites into space, has a 385-foot wingspan, stands 50 feet tall and can carry more than 500,000 pounds of cargo

National Aviation Day was celebrated on August 19 this year. The event is celebrated on the day Orville Wright was born. I wanted to bring some information to you about the day, the history of aviation, and the connection between NASA & and modern airplanes. Enjoy the information and we'll talk in class.
First Powered Flight - The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk
The Story of the Wright Brothers
Brief Illustrated History of Aviation
Early Video of Aviation Day and the Importance of Flight
Video of the First Presidential Flight in American History
Controversy about the History of Flight
How NASA has improved Aviation
NASA - The Leading Edge of Flight
Video of C.E. Woolman, the founder of Delta Airlines
A History of Flight 1:46
Blue Angels Music Video
Our Earth Views from the ISS