Friday, October 18, 2019

Monday Lesson Plans

Hi all,
Here are your plans for today.  Please show respect to your teacher, Ms. Laminen.  Use your time wisely. I’ll see you all on Tuesday.  If any students come in needing tech repair, please refer them to the library if it is necessary. Please stay focused, relaxed, & enjoy investigating the websites I have provided on the class blog! 
Basic Plan all Periods
  1. 10 min - Touch Typing on
  2. 4 min - Please bring up class the Class Blog on the TV.  Ask students to go to the class blog and look over the lesson plans. 
  3. Class Work - All students are working on programming in Scratch
All Classes
  • Complete and embed your Earthquake Survival Plan into your blog.  Use this screencast to help you get the embed code.  Make sure to adjust the size to fit your blog
  • What Should be done to get my 50 pts - These slides should be finished either by cutting and pasting data or writing it on your own.
    • During the Quake - instructions/image on what to do during the quake
    • After the Quake - You should have started an evacuation plan for your home along with some instructions on what to do when the quake is done.
    • Emergency Kit - should be done with screenshots off the list of supplies
    • Make a Family Plan - CREATE THIS SLIDE YOURSELF - It is vital that your whole family knows how to survive. Check out the plan on this site to include in your guide. MAKE A PLAN WEBSITE

    • Contacts - This you do with your family.  DO NOT INCLUDE THIS PAGE ON YOUR BLOG POST!

  • I added another slide so I'm increasing the points and extending the due date till Tuesday.
  • If you have time:
    • Rearrange the slides to make sense to you and add themes & colors
    • Add images if you have time.

  • Noise level is between a 1 or 2 but should NEVER get so loud we disturb each other in class.
  • Walking around is for help only, no social maneuvering around the classroom:
Consequences for repeated (2) disruptions:
  • Student may be moved away from others & continue working if behavior improves
    Student may be sent  to the office with a blue behavior referral - student will lose promotion 
  • points.

Just do your work and stay focused, Be Calm:)  
  1. Please help students who are struggling with the technology or instructions
  2. 35 min - Work on projects - detailed above
    1. Guest teacher - Students may be collaborating which is encouraged.  Or, they may be just socializing so you will need to move around the classroom and listen to conversations.  THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR GOOD CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT!!!!!.
  3. Early finishers can go on  DIY Projects - If you are here, go to Gamestarmechanic.  
Modify your blogs themes, colors, and layout
Great game design website.  Sign in, using the year 2004 for registering, select “Get Started” until you get to the “Quest” and click on that.  
Create a new project or work on an old one
Finish Preparing 3D printed ID
Use tools carefully and clean up work table
Work on another new task or finish one from last year
Work on creating an animated GIF.  export, post or upload to chrome
Go play some games on Scratch!  When you find a game you like, look at the code used to create it
Students can get some more keyboarding practice.  Keyboarding games are included.

  1. 1 min - Shutting down & logging out - I make all student wait at stations till all headphones, tables, and chairs are neatly arranged.  I excuse one row at a time.   Do not excuse students until workspaces are clean.
  • Supply good, detailed, and readable evidence.
  • Keep the noise and the movement down. 
  • Email me if you have any questions.
  • Collaboration is helpful, socializing is distracting - Know why you are out of your seat and it cannot be to socialize.

I wish you all a good day.  See you Monday.
Mr. Garcia

Monday, October 14, 2019

Update - Blogging Comment Homework

Due Wednesday 10/16/2019
Late after Friday, Oct 18 - 3/4 credit 

Have 3 people from your family comment on one of your posts.  They can comment on anything in your blog.
Friends are ok so long as they do not go to this school.

Provide Evidence
  1. Blog post title is "Comments"
  2. Screenshot and post all 3 comments on your blog.
  3. Write briefly about who you found to comment on your blog.

Score breakdown:  Worth 40 points
10 pts for each different comment & 10 pts for your blog post and explanation.

Aviation Career Day!

Commemorative Air Force Website

Make Garbage Fly Contest

Principles of Flight

IndieCade 2019

What a great day!  Lots of great games to play and good food to eat.  IndieCade 2019 ROCKED SM!