Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Lesson Plans for Wednesday

Hi all,

Here are your plans for Wednesday.  Your guest teacher will be Mr. Townsely.  Please show respect
to your teacher and each other today.  Use your time wisely.  Make sure your blog reflects all the
work you have done so far.

Basic Plan all Periods
  1. 10 min - Daily Touch typing on Typing Agent (10 min) - TA or NitroType Games on Fri.
  2. 4 min - Check email OR CHECK THE LESSON PLANS on Class Blog(SAME).
  3. 4 min - Preview the day’s activities with class - Most students are working on a coding activity in Scratch.  
    1. Period 2, 5, & 6 - Animate your Name in Scratch
      1. Log into Scratch
      2. Go to Create
      3. To to Tips
      4. Select Animate your Name
      5. Select Click Here to Start at the bottom
      6. Follow the guided instruction and animate your whole first name only.  Be creative and have
        some fun doing interesting animations.  The guide will show you how to change color, move, and add sound to your letter sprites.
      7. Once all letters have been animated with color, movement, & sound, you will share your project.  This puts the project inside the Scratch community
      8. Blog Post - Use the Embed code to embed this animation into a blog post.  Make sure to write
        a reflection explaining, what is this?, how you made it?, what do you think about it?
      1. Students will be working on finishing their specific skill task.  There are 4 task.  Film Making/Editing, Computer Teardown, Sound Crew - PA System, Website Developers.  The above link has their instructions.
        1. Film crew -
          1. most have recorded a short 10 - 20 sec clip.  Take that clip and edit it in Shotcut editing software.  Produce an edited video that includes Title, edited cuts and transition in the film, music, end credits.  
          2. Upload to your YouTube channel.
          3. Post a reflection and video on blog
        2. Tech Champs - Computer teardown
          1. Grab a computer and using a post-it note, put your name so you can use the same computer for the week.
          2. Turn the computer on to verify that it works
          3. On the group doc, find or watch one of the teardown videos.  Pay close attention to what they are taking apart.  You will have less parts to teardown.
          4. To be ready, you’ll need a clear space, a phillips screwdriver, a bag with your group name to collect screw, a camera to take pictures of you disassembling the computer.
          5. Carefully take apart laptop using the sequence in the video.
          6. Once you take apart the components listed in the group doc, take a picture of the components
          7. Start to put it all back together.
          8. Turn on the computer to make sure it still works.
          9. Upload your photos to Google Docs and label the different parts.
          10. Upload these images to a blog post and write a reflection on your teardown/build up experience.
        3. Sound Crew
          1. 3 jobs - Refer to your group doc
            1. Learn the Peavy PA system in class - & learn how to wind a cable!
            2. Make a special effect sound.
            3. Take pictures of what you did
            4. Post pictures and reflect on what you did
    2. Groups can be no bigger than 2 per group
    3. Ask colleagues for help but first make sure you try different ways of solving the problem
    4. 35 min - Work on projects - detailed above
    5. Guest teacher - Students may be collaborating which is encouraged.  Or, they may be just visiting so you will need to move around the classroom and listen into conversations.  THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR GOOD CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT!!!!!
  4. Done with Project - Students can do these activities when complete with project and posting on their blog
Modify your blogs themes, colors, and layout
Create a new project or work on an old one
Finish Preparing 3D printed ID
Use tools carefully and clean up work table
Scavenger Hunt
Keep working on the Scavenger Hunt.  Link is in the class blog
Read & AR Test
You can read and test in AR
Work on another new task or finish one from last year
Go play some games on Scratch!  When you find a game you like, look at the code used to create it

  1. 1 min - Shutting down & logging out - I make all student wait at stations till all headphones, tables, and chairs are neatly arranged.  I excuse one row at a time.   Do not excuse students until workspaces are clean.
    1. P6 needs to put chairs up on FRIDAY!
  • Write good, detailed, and readable reflections.  
  • Email me if you have any question.
  • Collaboration is helpful, socializing is distracting - Know why you are out of your seat and it cannot be to socialize.

I wish you all a good day.  See you tomorrow!

Mr. Garcia

Student plans - They have a copy of the plans in their email

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