Sunday, March 6, 2022

RV Computer Science Week 3/7 - 3/11/2022

Welcome all, 

Practice is a skill that builds a person's ability to learn new things.  Without practice, how would we learn to do anything well?

Can you think of a thing that you did not know how to do but you took control of your learning and practiced it?  What were the results?

This week, the first week of Trimester 3, we'll revisit some of the things we have learned, some things we continue to practice, and we'll move forward into some new territory.

First, watch this video that looks at what practice does to our brain.


This week:

Period 2, 4, & 5

Monday - Watch the video & follow-up discussion.  What has practice helped you learn?  Create a blog post titled "Practice & Keyboarding"  Write and answer this question - "Has your practice paid off?"

Tuesday - Look back at your first Scratch game.  What do you remember about creating it?  Can you look at the code and know what it is supposed to do?

Wednesday - Practice some basic code script in Scratch: automated sprite movement, manual sprite movement, 

Thursday - Let's talk gaming & more coding

Friday - Game Day - Play some of the championship games from Skoolcade

When you finish:   

  1. Update your blog - Some students are taking control of their blog to post about things that they want to talk about.  For example,  anime & fandom pieces, food & recipes, animals, places they want to visit, fears with the world.
  2. Redesign your blog - make your blog a thing of beautifying by updating themes, colors, images, & layouts.
  3. Scratch - start or continue working on your own project
  4. 3D Design - Design something to solve a problem, to create something new, or make a gift
  5. Rolling Drones.  Get with a drone leader in your class to get started.


Period 6 & 7

Monday Welcome to CS!  We'll look at our class syllabus and work on our routines including keyboarding, creating a blog post in your new portfolio, and leaving the Tech Lab.

                             Period 6 link         Period 7 link

Tuesday  First, we'll build a bookmark folder that contains all of our most used sites.  Then we'll jump into Google Search and learn some new tools to refine your searches.





  1. Update your blog - Some students are taking control of their blog to post about things that they want to talk about.  For example,  anime & fandom pieces, food & recipes, animals, places they want to visit, fears with the world.
  2. Redesign your blog - make your blog a thing of beautifying by updating themes, colors, images, & layouts.
  3. Rolling Drones.  Get with a drone leader in your class to get started.

Space Out Friday

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