Monday, November 13, 2023

RV Computer Science, Robotics, & ELD Week 13 - 17/2023

  Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Trimester 2 of the 2023/24 School year.

Thank you all for coming to school every day and making your best effort to show pride in yourself, pride in your work, and respect for others.  

I'm glad you are here.

Tuesday - I'm on the ACE Charter School Field Trip.  I'll be back for period 5

ELD - Keep working on all the pages in the presentation. Look below for more information.  Thanks for staying focused and using your time wisely.

Mr. Garica  

Here is a sample slideshow I am putting together.


Period 3 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Earthquake Survival Kit Project
Let's review what we have and where we are taking this project
  • What do we know?
    • Earthquakes are unpredictable
    • The only thing we can do to help ourselves and our family is to prepare before
    • Prepare to be without help for 2 weeks
  • What we can do?
    • Have a family plan
      • If you are at home
      • If you are separated
      • If you are in the car
    • Prepare supplies
      • Enough for 2 weeks
  • What do we do now?
    • Understand what a severe earthquake could do and what will not work.
    • Build a slideshow presentation that will
      • guide you in what to include in a survival kit for the home & car
      • create an escape plan for you home
      • create a phone contact list
      • post resources that you used and can help others
We'll be working on this for the rest of the week.  Prepare to present your information next week.  

We'll be working on writing presentation notes so your slides do not need to include more than 3 lines of text

Grading will be in 3 parts:
  • The whole slideshow (100pts)
  • The presentation (100pts)
  • Your individual work - your survival kit, your home escape plan, and your family contact information (200pts)

  • Start a slideshow - How to Prepare for an Earthquake - Building a Survival Kit
    • Use at least 8 slides
    • Make sure you bookmark where you get your information and images for your resource page.
      • 1. title
      • 2. explanation of the project
      • 3. what goes in a kit
      • 4. escape plan
      • 5. school escape plan
      • 6. who can I call?
      • 7. other things
      • 8. Create a resource list
  • Due Dates
    • 1st check November 3 - Slideshow has been started, All pages with titles have been created and shared with your partner and posted on this Padlet.
    • Classify the items in your organizer by a specific idea
    • If possible, include not only the name of the item but the quantity of the item.
    • Search for more resources about what should be in a survival kit

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - No question today

Work on your presentation:

You can work on all the slides.  Here are some special instructions for each slide.
  • 1. title
  • 2. explanation of the project - You can do this if you want or you can wait until Wednesday and we can work on it together.
  • 3. what goes in a kit - Use images to show the contents of the kit
  • 4. escape plan - Create your home in Tinkercad or draw it on paper.  
  • 5. school escape plan - I will give this to you.  You do not have to do this slide
  • 6. who can I call? - We wrote a journal response to this question.  You do not need to put a name.  Just label the family title as cousin(Primo), grandmother(Abuelita), uncle(Tio).  Try to put the state or country.  
    • 7. other things - Optional - Anything you want to add about earthquakes like - trivia, movies, images, history, your story with an earthquake
  • 8. Create a resource list - list any resources you used

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Work in groups on ESKP

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 

Read a chapter of Maniac

Work in groups on ESKP

Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Work in groups on ESKP


Period 4 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Earthquake Survival Kit Project
Let's review what we have and where we are taking this project
  • What do we know?
    • Earthquakes are unpredictable
    • The only thing we can do to help ourselves and our family is to prepare before
    • Prepare to be without help for 2 weeks
  • What we can do?
    • Have a family plan
      • If you are at home
      • If you are separated
      • If you are in the car
    • Prepare supplies
      • Enough for 2 weeks
  • What do we do now?
    • Understand what a severe earthquake could do and what will not work.
    • Build a slideshow presentation that will
      • guide you in what to include in a survival kit for the home & car
      • create an escape plan for you home
      • create a phone contact list
      • post resources that you used and can help others
We'll be working on this for the rest of the week.  Prepare to present your information next week.  

We'll be working on writing presentation notes so your slides do not need to include more than 3 lines of text

Grading will be in 3 parts:
  • The whole slideshow (100pts)
  • The presentation (100pts)
  • Your individual work - your survival kit, your home escape plan, and your family contact information (200pts)

  • Start a slideshow - How to Prepare for an Earthquake - Building a Survival Kit
    • Use at least 8 slides
    • Make sure you bookmark where you get your information and images for your resource page.
      • 1. title
      • 2. explanation of the project
      • 3. what goes in a kit
      • 4. escape plan
      • 5. school escape plan
      • 6. who can I call?
      • 7. other things
      • 8. Create a resource list
  • Due Dates
    • 1st check November 3 - Slideshow has been started, All pages with titles have been created and shared with your partner and posted on this Padlet.
    • Classify the items in your organizer by a specific idea
    • If possible, include not only the name of the item but the quantity of the item.
    • Search for more resources about what should be in a survival kit

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - No question today

Work on your presentation:

You can work on all the slides.  Here are some special instructions for each slide.
  • 1. title
  • 2. explanation of the project - You can do this if you want or you can wait until Wednesday and we can work on it together.
  • 3. what goes in a kit - Use images to show the contents of the kit
  • 4. escape plan - Create your home in Tinkercad or draw it on paper.  
  • 5. school escape plan - I will give this to you.  You do not have to do this slide
  • 6. who can I call? - We wrote a journal response to this question.  You do not need to put a name.  Just label the family title as cousin(Primo), grandmother(Abuelita), uncle(Tio).  Try to put the state or country.  
  • 7. other things - Optional - Anything you want to add about earthquakes like - trivia, movies, images, history, your story with an earthquake
  • 8. Create a resource list - list any resources you used

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Work in groups on ESKP

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 

Read a chapter of Maniac

Work in groups on ESKP

Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Work in groups on ESKP


Period 5 - Computer Science

Monday Morning Routine

Project Identification

1st concept check

Tuesday Morning Routine

Project Identification

1st concept check

Wednesday Morning Routine

Project Identification

Thursday Morning Routine

Project Identification

Friday Morning Routine

Finalize Project Identification


Period 6 Computer Science on the Wheel

Monday Morning Routine

Welcome to CS

Tuesday Morning Routine

Wednesday Morning Routine

Load these sites up and we will bookmark all of them in one folder

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Periods 7 - Robotics

Monday Morning Routine

Project Identification

1st concept check

Tuesday Morning Routine

Project Identification

1st concept check

Wednesday Morning Routine

Project Identification

Thursday Morning Routine

Project Identification

Friday Morning Routine

Finalize Project Identification


Space Out Friday

Meet the Europa Clipper That Will Be Traveling to Jupiter's MOon Europa - click on the image

Click on the image to Sign up

My Name is Going to Europa!