Tuesday, March 15, 2022

RV Computer Science Week 3/14 - 18/2022 Special Post - Student Plans for 3/17 & 18/2022

 Hi all,

Enjoy the time in class either getting your game idea started or learning how to use Tinkercad.  I’m looking forward to next week and working on these projects with you.  

If you need me for any reason, you can email me.  I’ll try to respond as soon as possible but it will not be immediate.

Make it a great 2 days.  Please be respectful to your teachers and focus on your work.  Keep the socializing at lunch.

Mr. Garcia


Thursday & Friday

P1 - Homeroom - Introduce yourself, take attendance, listen to announcements, answer any questions, send the students off with their computers, and a warm wish or thought for the day.  Students can warm up by playing games on their devices.

All Classes - Morning Routine

  1. Keyboarding Practice - 13 min - Typing games when done with your time

  2. Check mail/your time - 3 min

  3. Start on class projects

Thursday & Friday

Periods 2, 4, 5

Our students are starting to build a video game.  They will work in groups next week.  For Thursday & Friday, they will be working on their own researching their ideas, watching some tutorial videos, and working in Scratch or on paper to get some basic code started.

  1. Morning Routine - Friday only - What’s Up Post - Your theme or write about one of these ideas

  2. Watch these videos - 

    1. Thursday - Minimum Viable Product

    2. Friday - Fail Faster

  3. Continue researching the game you want to build 

    1. Find and save in a bookmark the tutorials or information that may help you.

  4. Start building your game in Scratch

    1. For today & tomorrow, you can draw out your ideas on paper if you want to.  The big idea is to have something concrete to share your idea with others next week

  5. For later:  Some items to remember for next week.

    1. A clear goal for the game & for each level of the game (3 levels)

    2. What is the theme (knowing this will help you design the graphics & sound)

    3. A title page or launch page

    4. What is the player interface (keyboard,  mouse, alt controller)

Thursday & Friday

Periods 6 & 7

You are working in Tinkercad.  Specifically, you are working on completing all 7 Starter Tutorials.   Take your time and try to understand what you are doing in these tutorials.  Next week, you will screenshot each finished tutorial and post it  your portfolio.

  1. Morning Routine - Friday only - What’s Up Post - Your theme or write about one of these ideas 

  2. Watch this video - What is 3D Printing?

  3. Tinkercad - Start the Starters

    1. Complete all 7 starters.  Take your time to learn the skill being taught.

  4. If you finish early, you can start your Project Identification!

    1. Click on the image

End of class:

1 min -  Log out of class devices & shut down computers - I make all students wait at their workstations until all headphones, tables, and chairs are neatly arranged.  I excuse one row at a time.   Do not excuse students until workspaces are clean.

P7 needs to put chairs up and shut down the TV on FRIDAY!

Guest Teacher Reminders:

  • Write good, detailed, and readable reflections with the names of students who are off task and students who are helpful.

  • Email me if you have any questions. agarcia@rioschools.org

I wish you all a good 2 days and a great weekend.  Help each other by respecting each other and what you all have to complete in class.

See you on Monday,

Mr. Garcia

P.S. you can email me any questions.  It may take me a while to respond.

Monday, March 14, 2022

RV Computer Science Week 3/14 - 18/2022

Good Day Everyone,

We are diving into both Game Development & 3D design depending on which class you are in.  Let's get to it and have some fun.


 This week:

Period 2, 4, & 5

Monday - What kind of games are out there?  What are the parts of the game?  Add to Game Dev Document - fill out this survey

Tuesday - 


Thursday - 

Friday - 

When you finish:   

  1. Update your blog - Some students are taking control of their blog to post about things that they want to talk about.  For example,  anime & fandom pieces, food & recipes, animals, places they want to visit, fears with the world.
  2. Redesign your blog - make your blog a thing of beautifying by updating themes, colors, images, & layouts.
  3. Scratch - start or continue working on your own project
  4. 3D Design - Design something to solve a problem, to create something new, or make a gift
  5. Rolling Drones.  FRIDAY ONLY - Get with a drone leader in your class to get started.


Period 6 & 7

Monday - What's Up Post - Monday:) - Tinkercad - sign up & overview

Tuesday  What's Up Post - Your Favorites - Create a list of some of your favorites - Tinkercad 





  1. Update your blog - Some students are taking control of their blog to post about things that they want to talk about.  For example,  anime & fandom pieces, food & recipes, animals, places they want to visit, fears with the world.
  2. Redesign your blog - make your blog a thing of beautifying by updating themes, colors, images, & layouts.
  3. 3D Design - Design something to solve a problem, to create something new, or make a gift
  4. Rolling Drones.  Get with a drone leader in your class to get started.

Space Out Friday