Thursday, January 9, 2020

Video Games

I love playing video games!  I have grown up playing different types of games from action games to role playing games.  I get lost in the action on the screen & it makes me feel in control while I'm playing.  In the following blog posts, I'll be writing about some of my favorite, why I like them, what makes them special to me, and .......

One of my favorite games: Call of Duty

Call of Duty is one of my favorite games because of the action.  This game is a multi player first person shooter game that is wildly popular among all age groups.  Describe the game......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Why I like it:

This is one of my favorite games because of the graphics and the action.  Describe........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What makes it special:


1 comment:

  1. gaming has become very trendy in today's era which would help the Computer Engineering students in a very better way , if looking for more information related to Computer Engineering, visit: Computer Engineering
