Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What's in a Reflection?

What's in a reflection?  Let's define it first.  According to Google Search:
  1. 1.
    the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
    "the reflection of light"
    synonyms:sending back, throwing back, casting back
    "the reflection of light"
  2. 2.
    serious thought or consideration.
    "he doesn't get much time for reflection"
    meditationmusing, rumination;
    "after some reflection, he turned it down"

We are applying the second definition, "serious thought or consideration"

When you write your reflection for each of your projects, I am asking you to look back at what it took, both physically and mentally, to create your project.  Our thought process is important and I want to understand a little of what it took you to create your product.

So you should include serious thought in your reflection.  Reflect on:
1 - what was the purpose of the project (the problem)?

2 - what did it take for you to create the solution (apps used, thought process, problems, solutions, failures, success, who helped, what you learned)?

3 - how do you feel about your product (give details) OR how else can the software be used (in other classes)

So basically, give it some thought and explain what it took you to complete the awesome project you produced! Here is an example reflection:

3D Design Project - Drawer Handles

The design below is an Iron Giant Drawer handle that I designed using Tinkercad.  I created it because I have a drawer at home that holds my TV but it does not have handles to open the drawers.  I created it by getting an image  of the Iron Giant, one of my favorite movies.  Next, I converted the jpg into an svg file using an svg converter.  Once I had the image,   I resized the image to about 110 mm x 95 mm.  I had to cut out the eyes using cylinders.  I also grouped a couple of mounts to connect the handle to the drawer.  I really like the way the project came out.  I will use the same mount to make more handles very soon.