Sunday, October 13, 2024

RV Computer Science, Robotics, Science, and ELD - Week 10/14 - 18/2024

 Hello Everyone!

When you get a chance, check out the 5th Starship Test.  It is very cool!

Thursday - The Great California Shakeout Earthquake drill happening at 10:17 am.  Be ready.  Make sure you talk about earthquake preparedness at home with your family as soon as possible.

Earthquake Preparedness Resources
The only thing we can do is be prepared and ready.  Talk to your families and help them know what to do in an earthquake.


Period 2 - Robotics

Tinkercad sign-up link - use your first name

Typing Class Link

Monday Morning Routine

Finish Milestone check with each group

Make sure you are requesting or acquiring the materials you need to complete your project

Tuesday Morning Routine

Wednesday Morning Routine

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Period 3 Computer Science on the Wheel

Join our typing team.  Click here

Tinkercad sign up link - use your first name

Create your Project STEM Account -  Use the following code - 5D23C3

Monday Morning Routine

Project STEM - Unit 1.5

Tuesday Morning Routine

Project STEM - Unit 1.6

Wednesday Morning Routine

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Period 4 - Science

Moon Phases Homework - Due on the full moon!:)

Monday Morning Routine

Finish Lesson 5 if necessary

Energy - Potential & Kinetic Lesson 6

Tuesday Morning Routine

Energy - Potential & Kinetic Lesson 7

Wednesday Morning Routine

Energy - Potential & Kinetic Lesson 8

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Period 5 - Science

Monday Morning Routine

Finish Lesson 5 if necessary

Energy - Potential & Kinetic Lesson 6

Tuesday Morning Routine

Energy - Potential & Kinetic Lesson 7

Wednesday Morning Routine

Thursday Morning Routine

Friday Morning Routine


Period 7 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

NewsELA - getting to know

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - 

NewsELA - Writing
    sample writing prompt & tools

Groups in E101

Station 1 - With Mr. Garcia

Station 2 - Self Portrait

Station 4 -

Station 5 - Your Own Time - ideas?

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)
NewsELA - Writing
    sample writing prompt & tools

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 
Develop Portfolio

Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Having fun with your portfolio


Space Out Friday



Work Due Trimester 2

All Periods

P3 & P4




Friday, October 4, 2024

RV Computer Science, Robotics, ELD, & Science Week 10/7 - 11/2024

 Hello Everyone!

Back to it folks!  We have parent conferences on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday.  This means minimum days.  Please make sure your parents know.

Look for your class below to know what we are doing this 2nd week of Spooky October!


Period 2 - Robotics

Tinkercad sign-up link - use your first name

Typing Class Link

Monday Morning Routine

Monster Robots all week

Tuesday Morning Routine

Monster Robots all week

Wednesday Morning Routine

Monster Robot Check point - I'm looking for:

  • Robot to be mostly built
  • Servo working and getting ready to connect to mechanism
  • designing the mechanism for movement

Thursday Morning Routine

Monster Robots all week

Friday Morning Routine

Evaluate where we are.  Should be getting close to finished


Period 3 Computer Science on the Wheel

Join our typing team.  Click here

Tinkercad sign up link - use your first name

Create your Project STEM Account -  Use the following code - 5D23C3

Monday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.3

Turn in your 1.2 Name Animations into the homework padlet

Tuesday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.4

Turn in the Unit 1.4 Soccer project

Wednesday Morning Routine

Thursday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.5

Friday Morning Routine


Period 4 - Science

Monday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 2

Skate Park Sim

Tuesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 3

Wednesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 4

Thursday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 5

Friday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 5


Period 5 - Science

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 2

Skate Park Sim

Tuesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 3

Wednesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 4

Thursday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 5

Friday Morning Routine


Period 7 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Journal & Question of the Day Introduction
Question - What is more fun for you, spending a day at the beach or spending the day at the park?  Why

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - 

Building your Website Portfolio - Day 1

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)
Question of the Day - What do you think is better, 

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 

Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)
Building your Website Portfolio - Day 2

Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Question - Are Fridays special to you?  What Makes Friday's Special?  

Building your Website Portfolio - Day 3

Space Out Friday

What's up in the October Sky? click on the image

Europa Clipper - More about Europa - click on the image


Sunday, September 29, 2024

RV Computer Science, Robotics, ELD, & Science Week 9/30 - 10/4/2024

 Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a great weekend.  Keep finishing your work, asking questions, and moving forward.

I'll be working on updating grades this week so thank you for your patience.

End of the Month Keyboarding tests for Periods 2, 3, & 7!  Take two 1 minute tests.  Compare these tests with your first tests.  Are you progressing?  Why or why not


Period 2 - Robotics

Tinkercad sign-up link - use your first name

Typing Class Link

Monday Morning Routine

Building your Robot

  • Using a servo
  • Attaching levers to a servo

Tuesday Morning Routine

Building your Robot

Continue working on the mechanism you are creating

Wednesday Morning Routine

Building your Robot

Continue working on the mechanism you are creating

Thursday Morning Routine

Building your Robot

Troubleshooting & decorating

Friday Morning Routine

Building your Robot

Troubleshooting & decorating


Period 3 Computer Science on the Wheel

Join our typing team.  Click here

Tinkercad sign up link - use your first name

Create your Project STEM Account -  Use the following code - 5D23C3

Monday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.1

Tuesday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.2

Wednesday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.3

Thursday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.4

Friday Morning Routine

Project STEM Unit 1.5


Period 4 - Science

Moon Phases Homework - Due on the full moon!:)

Monday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 1

Tuesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 2

Skate Park Sim

Wednesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 3

Thursday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 4

Friday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 5


Period 5 - Science

Monday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 1

Tuesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 2

Skate Park Simulation

Wednesday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 3

Thursday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 4

Friday Morning Routine

Potential & Kinetic Energy Unit - Lesson 5


Period 7 - ELD

Monday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Tuesday Morning Routine
Question - 

Wednesday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)

Thursday Morning Routine
Question - 

Friday Morning Routine
Keyboarding - 10 min - (13 on the clock)


Space Out Friday

What's up in the October Sky? click on the image

Europa Clipper - More about Europa - click on the image



Work Due Trimester 1

All Periods

  • Amazon Challenge Due 9/
  • Microbit Top 4 Challenges - 9/20
  • Microbit Robots - 10/4

P4 & P5

  • Cup Design - 9/27
  • Ball Drop Project 
    • tinkercad project - 10/3
    • writing project - 10/4